Niagara Falls Observation Tower & 9 Scenic Viewing Places For The Falls

Though Niagara Falls are NOT considered the world's largest waterfalls, this collection of waterfalls remains one of the most popular attractions i...

December 2, 2022
4:06 AM

Though Niagara Falls are NOT considered the world's largest waterfalls, this collection of waterfalls remains one of the most popular attractions in North America. Despite some differences between the Canadian and US sides, Niagara Falls is a stunning sight to behold. For centuries, the rushing waves were admired by many, being a source of inspiration for artists, hydroelectricity, and perfect social media-worthy photos. What's more, this popular landmark can be admired from a variety of angles and scenic viewpoints, both located on the US and the Canadian side of the falls! 10/10 Niagara Falls Observation Tower Many argue that the Canadian side of the falls boasts better views, but the American side still presents a collection of scenic vantage points, especially the Niagara Falls Observation Tower.

Renee Cosme