This Upstate New York Attraction Is America's Most Mispronounced Tourist Spot

You'll never guess which iconic New York spot has visitors everywhere scratching their heads over how to say its name. I did a double take when I f...

September 11, 2023
9:40 PM

You'll never guess which iconic New York spot has visitors everywhere scratching their heads over how to say its name. I did a double take when I first saw this list and wondered if my eyes were playing tricks on me. Turns out the list was legitimate, which makes this so much worse. How the heck did this destination beat out Massachusetts' Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg (pronounced: Chaar-Gaa-Guh-Gaag-Man-Chaa-Guh-Gaag-Chau-Buh-Nuh-Guhng-Guh-Maag)? I'm sure we all could think of a tourist spot that doubles as a tricky tongue twister, but I doubt any of us would be able to predict that - out of the entire continental U.